Wednesday, February 03, 2010

I Choose Positive Words Today

Positive Words
I choose positive words and experience positive results.The thoughts I think and the words I speak have tremendous power. They can influence my life in either positive or negative ways, for they affect the expectations I hold in my heart and the outcomes I experience in my life. Today I choose to use positive words. I make a conscious effort to think positive thoughts and to act in positive ways. By doing so, I open my life and the lives of those I pray for to the ever-present abundance of God.
If I am anxious about a particular situation or event, I change my thoughts about it. I approach it with new eyes--spiritual eyes. By expressing my faith in God and holding positive thoughts, my expectations are elevated to a higher level and the outcomes I envision are revealed in wonderful ways.

The kingdom of God is within you.--Luke 17:21 (KJV)

1 comment:

Eve said...

I agree! Thanks for the reminder :)