Saturday, November 07, 2009

Look for Things to be Grateful for...

Daily Word — Friday, November 6, 2009

I am blessed by the goodness of God.

Prosperity manifests in my life in myriad ways--not only as money. As I count my blessings, I realize that God's goodness is everywhere. I give thanks for my food, shelter, friends, family and livelihood. I focus on my blessings rather than dwelling on any perception of lack.

The more I look for things to be grateful for, the more blessings I find. By noticing these blessings and giving thanks, I am positive, productive and prepared for good.

The more good I perceive, the more I receive. As I appreciate all of God's blessings and dwell in abundance and contentment, even more goodness comes my way.
I choose to live in God's abundance, accepting all the blessings life has to offer.
I tell you, to all those who have, more will be given.--Luke 19:26


Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Contribute to Others

Daily Word — Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I am love in action, contributing to the well-being of others.

God's love expresses through me to bless others. I perceive the people with whom I interact as the children of God they truly are. I look for opportunities to be of help, to appreciate and to make a positive contribution.

I find many opportunities to give from my heart. I extend a wave and a warm smile to a neighbor, call or e-mail a friend or relative, or give time and attention to someone in need.

I look beyond the outer persona of those who seem unfriendly or impolite and behold their true essence. For all those I meet or think of today, I say a silent blessing: I behold the Christ in you. I visualize you whole, happy, prosperous and peaceful.

"Beloved, let us love one another, because love is from God; everyone who loves is born of God and knows God."--1 John 4:7


Saturday, October 10, 2009

A Dynamic, Living and Demonstrable Reality...

Today let's return on our earlier study of Emily Gardiner Neals' God Can Heal You Now and consider some of her early thoughts after she began to travel extensively about the US and witnessing wonderful healings.

To bring us all on the same page, recall the Emily Gardiner Neal was a magazine feature writer specilizing in medical scientific subjects. From the beginning she claimed to be a staunch agnostic,

"and the claim that healings of supposedly incurable disease were the result of the direct intervention of the Holy Spirit seemed to be fantastically childish nonsense at best."

Now we jump two years into her travels and witnessing "wonderful healings" and she concludes:

"The phenomenon is no longer new to me, but my sense of excitement and awe has not diminished...Today more clearly than ever before, I see in the healing Church, the unchallengeable anwser to the agnostic belief that Christianity is mere legend, born of Man's need; or only a philosophy, a way of life; or solely an historical event which occurred and finished two thousand years ago, to be interpreted or misinterpreted ever since."

"To know the healing Christ is to see Christianity transformed into what is is meant to be: a dynamic, living and demonstrable reality."

God Can Heal You Now...p.148

We will explore in our next post how Emily faced her first incredibly uncomfortable situation. This was when desperate Parents asked her to pray for their dying child. I don't know how many times I have personally read this, but it's always a spine tingling experience.


Sunday, September 20, 2009

Within that awful volume lies...

Famous quote from Sir Walter Scott's,
Monastery, Volume 1, Chapter XII

"Within that awful volume lies
The mystery of mysteries!
Happiest they of human race,
To whom God has granted grace
To read, to fear, to hope, to pray,
To lift the latch, and force the way;
And better had they ne'er been born,
Who read, to doubt, or read to scorn."

I need to study and get serious about this...

Friday, September 18, 2009

Got Unborn Promises?


"Sing, O childless woman, you who have never given birth"
(Isaiah 54:1, NLT)

TODAY'S WORD from Joel and Victoria

Sometimes, when we don't see our dreams and desires coming to pass, we can feel empty and barren like a woman who is unable to have children. But look at what this verse is saying: if you've got unborn promises, don't just sit around in defeat. Don't just give up and say, "Too bad for me." No, God says when you're barren, the first thing you need to do is sing a song of praise. You might think, "Well, Joel, I'm kind of depressed today. I'll sing after I have my 'baby.'" No, this passage wasn't written to people who were holding their baby and had seen their dreams come to pass. It was written to empty-armed people; people who didn't have what they were believing for. Do you know why? When you're giving God praise, do you know what you are doing? You are activating your faith and putting yourself into position to give birth to that promise. You are setting yourself up for God to move on your behalf.

Why don't you get into position today by singing a song of praise? All throughout the day, thank Him for what He is doing in your life and watch those dreams and desires come to pass.


"Father in heaven, I surrender all my questions, all my doubts, all my fears to You today. I know that You have a plan to fulfill every dream and desire in my heart. I choose to sing praises to You this day and thank You for Your goodness and faithfulness in my life. In Jesus' Name. Amen."


Thursday, August 13, 2009

Overdue Bills? Try This...

Overdue by Jan Week
Years ago I was living from paycheck to paycheck, and my teacher’s salary never seemed to cover my debts. I put off paying my bills as long as I possibly could. Worrying about all of those bills seemed less daunting than actually facing them.Then my sister sent me some inspirational tapes. I listened to them, and dug out my dog-eared copy of Dr. Norman Vincent Peale’s book The Power of Positive Thinking.

The tapes and the book talked about appreciating life, and about the blessings we take for granted.They made me realize just how blessed I really was. In fact, it was my gratitude that was really overdue. So instead of dreading my bills, I began to bless them!As I wrote out the check for the utility bill I said, “Bless all of you who work to keep me warm and illuminated.”

The telephone bill? “Thank you for making it easy for me to stay in touch with all the people I love.”Within a few months, I noticed that even though my paycheck didn’t increase, my debts seemed more manageable. Actually, they decreased.I really was able to pay my bills; I just needed a little encouragement to think positively.

The above article originally appeared in Guideposts magazine. Visit the recently updated today.

Sunday, August 09, 2009

Pain, Sunshine, Rain, Calm

 I am back from vacations and inspired to restart my posts:

Whatever your cross, whatever your pain,
There will always be sunshine, after the rain
Perhaps you may stumble, perhaps even fall
But God is always ready, to answer your call.

He knows every heartache, sees every tear
A word from His lips, can calm every fear

 Your sorrows may linger, throughout the night
But suddenly vanish, by dawn's early light
The Savior is waiting, somewhere above
To give you His grace, and embrace you
... in His everlasting LOVE.

~ Author: Unknown ~

Monday, June 01, 2009

Try This for a Week...

The way to happiness: keep your heart free from hate, your mind from worry.  Live simply, expect little, give much.  Fill your life with love.  Scatter sunshine.  Forget self, think of others.  Do as you would be done by.  Try this for a week and you will be surprised.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Share Your Plans with God and...

Today I will dedicate myself to God and ponder on the miracle of Easter...and this wonderful promise.

Source:Positive Thinking for Every Day of the Year
Norman Vincent Peale

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Capture God's Joy Today

Inexpressible and Glorious Joy

Though you have not seen Him, you love Him; and even though you do not see Him now, you believe in Him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy.
(I Peter 1:8, NIV).

TODAY'S WORD from Joel and Victoria

Do you need more joy in your life? This verse tells us that when we choose to believe in God, we are filled with His joy. And not just any kind of joy, inexpressible and glorious joy! Have you ever seen someone filled with inexpressible joy over something? Their face is beaming, their heart is pounding. They can hardly contain themselves. They are so excited they can't think of anything else. They have so much confidence over what they know that nothing can take away their joy. As believers, that's how we should be. We should be confident in the goodness of God and filled with His inexpressible and glorious joy!

I encourage you today to be bold and believe God. Get to know Him better by knowing His Word. Hold His promises close to your heart so that you can be filled with His confidence and joy all the days of your life.

Heavenly Father, thank You for Your joy unspeakable and full of glory. I choose to believe You and trust in Your goodness. I invite you to search my heart and remove anything that would keep me from all You have in store. In Jesus's Name. Amen


Friday, March 13, 2009

Stability in an Unstable World

Just a short detour from our healing survey of Emily Gardiner Neal.

This is a letter from Annette Capps, who I believe is the daughter of Charles Capps. In order to balance as much of the negativity currently in the news cycle as possible, I thought this letter is a way to a positive, resourceful path amidst the apparent chaos.

Thanks Annette!

The WORD is Stable!

Unstable markets, unstable world economy…Let’s focus on something that is stable…the Word of God and not fixate on the fear that surrounds us.

My Dad tells the story of how during a dry year when he was farming, he prayed for rain for his cotton crop. One particular field had no means of irrigation. As he was driving and praying for rain, he noticed that one spot in the field looked greener than the rest. God spoke to him and said, “Would it be OK if I just caused the moisture to come up under your crop rather than rain from above?” Of course my Dad replied, “Whatever you want to do is fine with me!”

That year the cotton made 1 bale per acre on that field where other farmers only made ∏ bale or less.

Sometimes we become so fixated on the problem or what we believe the solution is that we are not open to alternatives. God is not limited to our ideas of how to fix things. The real issue for Charles Capps was not rain; it was a good cotton crop.

Our real issue today is not the stock market or the credit crisis. The real issue is how we can prosper and succeed in spite of world crisis. God’s Word has not changed. God’s laws have not changed. The same laws of giving and receiving, sowing and reaping, seedtime and harvest still work in October 2008 as well as October 2007.

The spiritual principles that enabled you to pay your house payment, buy your gas and feed your family still apply no matter what the economy. God’s Word drives your economy! Choose kingdom principles to dominate your finances!

I encourage you to continue in faith, not being moved by what you see, hear or feel but what you believe…God’s Word. You are the seed of Abraham through Jesus Christ and His blessing rests on you.

The immoveable, unchangeable Word will work for you as you speak it and stand fast in faith.

God Bless You Richly,

Annette Capps

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Spiritual healing not for the sick alone...

The title of this post is taken directly from Emily's , "God Can Heal You Now", How to Stay Well chapter that deals with healings when we are not at the end of our ropes and seeking the "ministry of desperation".  Emily sites several examples of wellness resulting in people's lives when they are involved in a healing ministry.  Here are two examples:

"A Presbyterian attorney who became interested in the healing ministry two years ago, voices the experience of unnumerable people when he says: "I had all my life been subject to severe colds, throat infections, and sinus trouble during winter months.  I am convinced that it is more than coincidence that during the past two years  I have not been indisposed, even for a day"

"The experience of a mother with three youngsters is also typical. "For years I have been nervous and tired," she says, "and also terribly apprehensive about the children's health.  But not any more.  Through the healing ministry I have an entirely different concept of God.  I know now that He wants them to be well, and that if they do get sick, He will heal them.  The result has been that they have turned into the healthiest youngsters on our block, practically never have even colds..."

Emily concludes this section by making these remarks:

"There are very few of us who will not find ourselves recipients of the fringe benefits of the Christian faith -- health and joy -- if we follow the simple prescription consisting of two ingredients: daily devotions, and, if possible, weekly attendance at a healing service. For the Church, which is the Body of Christ and the extension of the Incarnation, is as indispensable as your private devotions."

Source: God Can Heal You Now, pp212-213

Friday, January 02, 2009

Sunny's Positive Thinking Thoughts for 2009

Here is a positive thinking strategy from Sunny for 2009 - The Affirmations Coach.

January 02, 2009
10 Affirmations List For Today - Jan 2, 2009

1 - I'm Grateful For This New Day
2 - I Know Good Things Are Going To Happen Today
3 - I'm Looking For New Opportunities
4 - I'm Also Creating Time & Space That's Reserved Just For Me
5 - I DO Enjoy Being Busy
6 - I Also Enjoy Being Centered & Focused
7 - I'm Pacing Myself & Enjoying Every Moment
8 - I'm Writing Down My 10 Affirmations Today
9 - I'm Reading Them Out Loud To Myself
10 - I'm Living These Affirmations Today, And I'm Making My Life Be


Additional Comment -- From Sunny :)

Read This Affirmations List Silently To Yourself

If You Have Time, Write Them Out In Your Own Handwriting

Make ANY Changes To Any Or To All Of These Affirmations, As YOU See


Read Them Out Loud And Infuse Them With Some Feeling Of Sincerity

Make Them Yours

Other Options Include Writing Down Only 1 Or 2 Of Them, And Then

Posting Them On Your Computer, Or Carrying Them In Your Pocket, Or

Using Any Other Method To Help You Think, Say & Feel The Affirmations

That Are Special For YOU, Throughout The Entire Day.

Why Not Read Them Aloud Again Before You Go To Sleep?
Aloha! Sunny :)
Sunny Hills, CPCC, Maui, Hawai'i
Certified Professional Co-Active Coach
The Affirmations Coach (TM)

Please Tell Your Friends About Sunny Thoughts
Sign Up Here For FREE Positive Affirmations and Positive Thinking

The Meaning of ALOHA:
A = Ahonui = Patience
L = Lokahi = Unity
O = 'Olu'olu = Agreeableness
H = Ha'aha'a = Humility
A = Akahai = Kindness
~Paul Pearsall, Phd., The Pleasure Prescription

Check him out and get motivated for 2009: