Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Be Polite, Kind, Considerate

"'Where there is strife, there is confusion and every kind of evil.' (James 3:16)

Today's Word from Joel and Victoria

Strife is a powerfully destructive force that the enemy uses to try to bring confusion and turmoil into our lives. Marriages are torn apart, businesses are destroyed, and lifelong friends are divided by strife. Satan will make sure that you have plenty of opportunity each day to get upset with those whom you care about the most. Things often happen on a daily basis that can aggravate you and might make you want to be rude or angry toward your family and those around you.

Let us encourage you to make peace a priority in your life. Don't give the enemy a foothold. Make the choice to aggressively pursue peace. Refuse to argue. Refuse to be sarcastic or disrespectful. Decide that you are going to keep peace in your home and your life even if it means you have to swallow your pride. Sometimes you just have to release your 'right to be right.'

Jesus said, 'Blessed are the peacemakers.' It takes a mature person to apologize even when you are not in the wrong – to walk away even when you really want to argue. You can be that person. You can be the one to create an atmosphere of peace and harmony in your family.

If you will do your part and honor God by being a maker and maintainer of peace, God will honor you. He will fight your battles for you. He will pour out his blessings in your life and you will live the overcoming life of victory that He has in store just for you!

A Prayer for Today

I will make the choice to not be rude or impatient with my friends, family and co-workers today. These are the people I care about and I pray your blessings on them. Peace is my priority! In Jesus' name, Amen."

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