God is the s
ource of all that fulfills me.
I take a moment in quiet meditation to consider what truly fulfills me. In this ease, I breathe deeply and fully. Gently, a thought comes to mind. Perhaps it's about something I have postponed or resisted. Have I been holding on to a limiting thought of I can't...? Am I willing to transform my I can't into an I can?
No matter what I want to accomplish, I never go through it alone. The spirit of God goes with me.
Knowing this, I put my God-given intelligence and strength to use and do what is mine to do.
Regardless of what is required mentally, physically or spiritually, I can accomplish it. I can because God, my constant companion and guide, is the source of all that fulfills me.
No matter what I want to accomplish, I never go through it alone. The spirit of God goes with me.
Knowing this, I put my God-given intelligence and strength to use and do what is mine to do.
Regardless of what is required mentally, physically or spiritually, I can accomplish it. I can because God, my constant companion and guide, is the source of all that fulfills me.
May he grant you your heart's desire, and fulfill all your plans.--Psalm 20:4
Source: http://DailyWord.com
Visit Grandfather Mountain!Source: http://DailyWord.com
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