Friday, January 29, 2010

...and Fulfill All Your Plans

God is the source of all that fulfills me.
I take a moment in quiet meditation to consider what truly fulfills me. In this ease, I breathe deeply and fully. Gently, a thought comes to mind. Perhaps it's about something I have postponed or resisted. Have I been holding on to a limiting thought of I can't...? Am I willing to transform my I can't into an I can?
No matter what I want to accomplish, I never go through it alone. The spirit of God goes with me.
Knowing this, I put my God-given intelligence and strength to use and do what is mine to do.
Regardless of what is required mentally, physically or spiritually, I can accomplish it. I can because God, my constant companion and guide, is the source of all that fulfills me.
May he grant you your heart's desire, and fulfill all your plans.--Psalm 20:4


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Saturday, January 09, 2010

Enthusiasm - enTheos

I am enthusiastic about life!

My enthusiasm grows as I focus on God's presence within me and within others. As my appreciation of the sacredness of all expands, I not only dare to dream and set goals, but also to pursue them.

I bring enthusiasm and creativity to all I do. I actively engage in my relationships with family and friends. I find joy wherever I invest my time. Spirit within guides me in everyday tasks as well as in exciting new adventures.

This day and every day, I set my course on a journey of discovery. The goodness of God is constantly being revealed to me. I find great satisfaction in being an expression of divine goodness toward others.

Brothers and sisters, be all the more eager to confirm your call and election, for if you do this, you will never stumble.--2 Peter 1:10
