If you are ruled by emotion—jump off the rollercoaster!
Your will is stronger than your emotions. Instead of living by how you feel, live by what you know. Let me remind you that God is in control, He has a great plan for your life, and His power is greater than any other power. When you begin to have negative or discouraging feelings, shake them off. Even when you do not feel like it, choose to rule over that negative feeling anyway. Tell yourself: I'm going to be steady, immovable, and full of joy regardless of my circumstances. The more you do so, the easier it will become. Today, decide to be a more stable person and begin enjoying life — all of it!
Joel Osteen
thank you for beign an inspiration for so many people Joel. I listened to your sermon last sunday and I was moved by the story of your brother. Many things have changed since I am attending to Lakewood. Throught it I met my future wife and through you I receive messages of encouragement to accomplish my life´s purpose. Thank you.
Surely am immovable and forever going to have agood day everyday.God bless u.
Surely am immovable and forever going to have agood day everyday.God bless u.
Surely am immovable and forever going to have agood day everyday.God bless u.
Joel, I thank God so much for the passion you have to reach out to people the way you do....I've been a christian since 1986 and attended many churches...not to put any church down but!!...thru out my life I've never learned what I've learned with your teachings...I'm not a reader but when you are desperate and seeking for ways to make changes you are willing to try anything...well!!! this has been my case...church wasn't enough for me...I felt I was attending a service just because that was the right thing for me to do...still didn't understand why God would want me in the situation that I've been for so many years and without a way out!...not understanding who I really was and why God put me into this world...I've leaved my life ashamed and thinking that God was just so upset at me for all the wrong doings and that forgiveness was not ment for me!!!.... so that was my punishmet.. the consecuences of my sins just became so heavy that emotionally I was destroying myself...didn't realized that God had already forgave me and it was me the problem..well!!! that is where you came in... you talked about the importance on accepting God's grace.. letting the past go.... the truth about who you really are and why you are here in this world...the love that God has for us and how high He wants us to go as well as how He is just waiting to give us a better today and tomorrow...and not to mention all the blessings and doors He is ready to open...well!!! I have to say that!!! He has already showed me how wonderful He is...not to mention the doors he has been opening...not little ones but huge ones....I see my life finally changing...I feel God so close to me..and I've learn so much about myself that I want everyone to read the book and listen to all of your messages....thank you so much and God Bless you for such an awesome job you are doing with people like me....I've attended your church once but didn't get to meet you... one of my prayers is to meet you and your awesome wife one day and I know that God will soon grant me that pleasure....Thank you so much once again for caring and sharing....Carla
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