Today's Scripture
"No discipline at the time is pleasant, but later on it's going to bring you a harvest of great things." (Hebrews 12:11)
Today's Word from Joel and Victoria
If you want to experience God's best, it's going to take some hard work. In order to live the abundant life God has planned, we must be willing to stop acting on how we feel, and instead act on promises found in the Word of God. It's not easy to love people when they're not being nice. It's not easy just to overlook an insult. It's not easy to keep a good attitude and be patient when things aren't going your way. Sometimes it hurts to keep the flesh under, and sometimes it's uncomfortable.
The seeds you sow today will bring a harvest in the future. When you focus on the blessings that come from doing what is right in the Lord's sight, you will find strength to obey His Word. The Bible tells us that Jesus "focused on the joy that was set before Him" so He could endure the cross. Jesus knew the suffering He endured on your behalf would bring Him the joy of having a personal relationship with you–and you were worth the price!
A Prayer for Today
God, I will be strong today for You! There will be many tests along my faith journey and I intend to face them with a cheerful resolve. Though some days will be hard, keep my eyes on the prize, Lord—a life in eternity with You! In Jesus' name, Amen.
Read another Word with Joel & Victoria
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