Thursday, February 11, 2010

Can You Make Candy?

Norman Vincent Peale relates a story about meeting a lady in Mississippi who told him: "I thought my husband would provide for me so that when he died I would'nt worry.  But his estate was eaten up, and I've got to go to work or go on relief."

Norman didn't know how to answer, so he prayed: "Lord, gives us an insight for Miss Lou." the end of the prayer he asked Miss Lou, "Can you make candy?.  She answered, "Now that is something I can do."  Norman then asked her to make a pound of candy and send it to him.

Later Norman received a two-pound package of candy and replied to Miss Lou, to "Get busy merchandising that candy."

In his story, Norman suggested that when in Edwards, Mississippi to find a shop there called "The Sweetest Spot."

My searches for "The Sweetest Spot" were never successful until today.  There is a postcard (postmarked May 1952) being sold on eBay that shows the actual spot where Miss Lou built her candy store.  The sign shows the real name, Lou's Candy Kitchen and is located on the "sweetest spot on highway 80"!!!

Norman concluded:  "Miss Lou found that by thinking creatively she could change her life...and by serving others, she became a great influence for good in the area where she lives."

May we be willing to ask the Lord to help us in a time of need and think creatively on how WE may serve others...

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

I Choose Positive Words Today

Positive Words
I choose positive words and experience positive results.The thoughts I think and the words I speak have tremendous power. They can influence my life in either positive or negative ways, for they affect the expectations I hold in my heart and the outcomes I experience in my life. Today I choose to use positive words. I make a conscious effort to think positive thoughts and to act in positive ways. By doing so, I open my life and the lives of those I pray for to the ever-present abundance of God.
If I am anxious about a particular situation or event, I change my thoughts about it. I approach it with new eyes--spiritual eyes. By expressing my faith in God and holding positive thoughts, my expectations are elevated to a higher level and the outcomes I envision are revealed in wonderful ways.

The kingdom of God is within you.--Luke 17:21 (KJV)

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Are You Getting Better?

I recently heard from subscriber James Hady, of Arlington Heights, IL, and felt his inspiring story was a great way to kick off the first issue of 2010.

"I read your article in Health & Healing discussing the affirmation, Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better. So I began repeating it to myself regularly. It worked great. I could actually feel the impact on a daily basis. I have experienced positive things in every aspect of my life. I'm 68 years young, and I am indeed getting better and better every day. I now work out and play over-50 softball, racquetball, and golf. I used to have some chronic pain, but it's disappeared. Even my eyesight has improved. I'm really impressed that something so little makes such a big difference. Thank you for that advice. It has been extremely helpful."

James isn't the only one who has benefited from this practice. We provide every patient at the Whitaker Wellness Institute with wristbands imprinted with this statement to help them get into the habit of repeating it as often as possible throughout the day. Do not underestimate the power of affirmations. They work! Try it right now. First, bring up a problem in your life. Then, in a focused manner, say, Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better. Patiently repeat this 10 times. Now, note how you feel about your problem. You may feel silly when you first start doing this, but that is your subconscious mind battling for control. Those feelings will pass over time. As you make your New Year's resolutions, use this affirmation to help you achieve your goals. With daily repetition, you'll find that everything really will get better and better

                        Dr. Julian Whitaker, MD

                                Health & Healing, January 2010