Thursday, July 31, 2008

Spiritual Healing and the "Risen Christ"

This description of spiritual healing was key to me as I read and studied Emily Gardiner Neal's encounter, as a skeptical reporter, of the faith healings she witnessed:

"There is nothing new about faith healing. It has been practiced in one form or another for thousands of years. Many were the sick treated, and probably helped, at the temples of Aesculapius, legendary Greek god of medicine. Many have been the sick treated and possibly cured by withchcraft. Many are the sick today, who by faith in an amulet, a well-phrased slogan, or their doctor, are physically improved.

But there is a vast difference between these kinds of "faith" healings, and today's revived ministry within the Church. Spiritual healing does not concern itself with the curing of the body alone with no reference to the spirit; nor yet is it the type of metaphysical healing which affirms the spiritual at the expense of the physical. Spiritual healing deals with the cure of the whole person -- body, mind and spirit. Its goal and purpose is the seeking of a closer relationship with God -- the soul's salvation. When the spirit is healed through faith in and through the power of the Risen Christ, healing of the mind and body follows as an expected corollary."

Source: God Can Heal You Now - Emily Gardiner Neal

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

A Reporter Finds God - A Great Hunger

I will be sharing quotes and thoughts in the next few days (possibly weeks) from "Celebration of Healing", a selection of writings of Emily Gardiner Neal who came to a healing ministry from a background in journalism.

Her first book, published in 1956 was A Reporter Finds God Through Spiritual Healing, and she continued writing and engaged in healing ministry through 1989 - when she quietly went to be with her Lord, Jesus Christ.

Today I will start somewhere in the middle with this soul grabbing quote:

After traveling all over the nation, talking to and with people of every educational level and in every stage of belief and disbelief, I have observed a great hunger. The hunger is not for intellectual answers to religious questions that the mind may be satisfied, but for a personal experience of the living God that the soul may be fulfilled.

May this be our desire today...