A Time to Think:

We tend to get what we expect. -Norman Vincent Peale
To Act:
Keep your wonder of great and noble things.
To Pray:
Sill the waters of my mind, Lord, so that I may make my decisions based on an undistorted picture of reality.
"A wide door for effective service has opened to me, and there are many adversaries."
(1 Corinthians 16:9)
Today's Word from Joel and Victoria
As a Christian, you will be given great opportunities to step out
and grow in faith. But these opportunities are also frequently
accompanied by some great adversity or challenge. Why does God do that?
Because He knows that nothing worthwhile is ever easy, and the same is
true when it comes to His work in your life.
When Jesus was walking on
the water, Peter called out to Him and Peter walked on the water toward
Jesus. The problem is that Peter took his eyes off Jesus and worried
about the waters, so he sank only to be saved by Jesus. Peter took a
great opportunity, but there was danger if he took his eyes off Jesus.
You can apply that lesson to your own life, because you will have
supernatural opportunities. Just be sure to keep your focus on Jesus!
A Prayer for Today
God, I know that You will give me great opportunities today, and I
pray that I will have the faith and determination to keep my eyes on
You. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Source: Joel Osteen Devotions